New Year's Eve is just around the corner! We at Yabla wish you einen guten Rutsch and hope to contribute to your festivities with some relevant vocabulary.
Eine kurze Frage: Wie feiern Sie Weihnachten? -Mit der Familie.
A quick question: How do you celebrate Christmas? -With the family.
Caption 10, Weihnachtsinterviews - Diane in Karlsruhe
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Wir werden wahrscheinlich mit ein paar Freunden feiern.
We will probably celebrate with a few friends.
Caption 5, Silvester - Vorsätze für das neue Jahr - Karlsruhe
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The noun die Feier is used for a party or celebration, although it's normal to hear die Party as well. You may remember from our recent newsletter that the preposition auf is used: Wir gehen auf eine Party for "We're going to a party," and Wir sind auf einer Party for "We're at a party."
Hauptsache sie haben Spaß. -Hauptsache: Party und schöne Stimmung!
The main thing is that they have fun. -The main thing: party and good vibes!
Caption 63, Fastnacht - Karneval - Karnevalisten
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Und natürlich drückt das auf die Partystimmung.
And, of course, that puts a damper on the party atmosphere.
Caption 60, Heute-Show - 30 Jahre Mauerfall: So feiern die Deutschen ihre Einheit
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Fun fact: die Stimmung can refer to instruments being in tune, but also means "mood" or "atmosphere."
And finally, a slang usage related to celebration is Lass es krachen!, which literally means "Make noise!"
Also, dann wünsch ich dir viel Spaß.
So, then I hope you have a lot of fun.
-Danke schön. -Und lass es krachen!
-Thank you. -And make some noise!
Caption 17, Fasching - mit Cettina
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Further Learning
For more about New Year's Eve in Germany, you can do a quick search for our related videos on Yabla German. You can also review our previous newsletters on the topic: Learn about the origins of the word Silvester and make a few New Year's resolutions in German!