The connection between the adjective anspruchsvoll and the phrase in Anspruch nehmen lies in their root der Anspruch, which means "claim" or "demand."
In Anspruch nehmen generally means "to make use of" or "to claim." It is often used in contexts of utilizing a service, claiming a right, or demanding something. It means to take advantage of something, but it does not imply any bad intentions.
Diese wurde allerdings nie in Anspruch genommen.
It, by the way, was never laid claim to.
Caption 39, Bundespräsident Wulff tritt zurück: Kredit- und Medienaffäre
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Viel zu lange hat eine kleine Gruppe in Washington die Vorteile der Macht in Anspruch genommen.
For much too long, a small group in Washington has reaped the rewards of power
Caption 23, Tagesschau: Amtseinführung von Donald Trump
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Trotz übersichtlichem Gelände muss auch diese Skifahrerin den Hubschrauber in Anspruch nehmen.
Despite the clear terrain, also this female skier has to make use of the helicopter.
Captions 45-46, Rettungsflieger: Im Einsatz
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The adjective anspruchsvoll describes someone or something that has high demands or expectations. It's worth noting that it can sometimes have a slightly negative connotation, implying that someone is hard to please or overly demanding. However, it can also be used positively to describe something of high quality.
Endspielstrategie oder Endspieltechnik ist auf ihre eigene Art sehr anspruchsvoll.
Endgame strategy or endgame technique is very demanding in its own way.
Caption 36, Schach: Regeln, Strategie und Taktik
Play Caption
Aber dadurch, dass ich hauptsächlich auf der Ostsee unterwegs bin, wo die Bedingungen sehr anspruchsvoll sind...
but due to the fact that I'm mostly out on the Baltic Sea where the conditions are very challenging...
Captions 26-27, Die Insel Fehmarn: Speedsurfen auf Fehmarn
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You may also see anspruchsvoll translated as "exacting," "sophisticated," or "ambitious."
Further Learning
You'll find more examples on Yabla German. For in Anspruch nehmen, practice writing your own sentences.
In a previous lesson, we looked at the verbs fallen and gefallen. There's also the noun der Gefallen, which means "the favor."
Today's phrase is (jemandem) einen Gefallen tun. This phrase is a good example of the dative construction in German, where jemandem is in the dative case and einen Gefallen is in the accusative case.
Da kann man hin und wieder auch mal jemandem einen Gefallen tun.
You can occasionally do someone a favor.
Captions 23-24, Nicos Weg: In der Redaktion
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When you are the one asking for or getting a favor, here are some phrases that will come in handy:
Und meistens sagt er ja, obwohl er es in Wahrheit nur macht, um mir einen Gefallen zu tun.
And he mostly says yes, although he really only does it in order to do me a favor.
Captions 21-23, Deutsch mit Eylin: Hast du Lust?
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Dirk, ich bin's. Kannst du mir einen Gefallen tun?
Dirk, it's me. Can you do me a favor?
Caption 24, Großstadtrevier: Von Monstern und Mördern
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„Dürfte ich Sie mal um einen Gefallen bitten?“
"May I ask you for a favor?"
Caption 57, Deutsch mit Eylin: Höflich sprechen, Konjunktiv 2 benutzen
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Let's look at a few examples with other dative pronouns.
Aber sie sagt nicht mal danke, obwohl ich ihr einen Gefallen getan habe.
But she doesn't even say thank you, although I did her a favor.
Caption 43, Die Wohngemeinschaft: Probleme
Play Caption
Bevor wir mit den Top Drei fortfahren, tu uns einen Gefallen und drück auf den Daumen.
Before we continue with the top three, do us a favor and press on the thumb [click on the "like" button].
Captions 35-36, Die Top Ten: Die unglaublichsten Tiererlebnisse
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Du schuldest uns aber einen Gefallen.
But you owe us a favor.
Caption 33, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
Play Caption
Further Learning
Can you write a sentence about doing a group of people a favor, using the third person plural? Which pronoun will that require? Otherwise, you can—as always—find more examples on Yabla German.
There are two German nouns that are translated as "silence"—die Stille and das Schweigen.
The main difference is that das Schweigen implies a conscious choice by a person to remain silent, whereas die Stille can occur naturally without human intervention. Let's have a look:
Vom Trubel des Narzissenfestes geht es jetzt nach Osttirol in die Stille und Einsamkeit der Bergwelt.
From the hustle and bustle of the Daffodil Festival we are now heading to East Tyrol into the silence and solitude of the mountain world.
Captions 1-2, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 1
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There is the related adjective still, which means "silent":
Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
Silent night, holy night
Caption 2, Weihnachtslieder: Stille Nacht mit Gabriela, Mira und Ralph
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It's important to note that while das Schweigen is related to the commonly used verb schweigen ("to remain silent"), the verb stillen ("to breastfeed") does not relate in the same way to the noun die Stille.
Sie haben die Pflicht zu schweigen.
You have a duty to remain silent.
Caption 26, extra 3: Sprachpolizei gegen falsches Deutsch
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Die Nacht so laut, doch in mir schweigt's.
The night so loud, but inside me it's silent.
Caption 11, Joris x Lotte: Wer wir geworden sind
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The noun die Ruhe, its related adjective ruhig, and the verbs ruhen and ausruhen refer also to a quiet, calm, restful state, though not necessarily completely silent.
Hinter dem Schloss finde ich Orte der Ruhe und Erhabenheit.
Behind the castle I find places of tranquility and [the] sublime.
Caption 18, Architektur: Karlsruher Brunnen
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Dann verordne ich mir immer ganz viel Ruhe.
Then I always prescribe myself lots of rest.
Caption 25, Deutsch mit Eylin: Erkältungszeit
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Sei ruhig!
Be quiet!
Caption 21, Deutsch mit Eylin: Der Imperativ
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Zwei Männer ruhen sich aus, einer überwacht das Gelände
Two men will rest, one will keep guard of the site,
Caption 56, Es war einmal... der Weltraum: Die Saurier
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Finally, another adjective that also can mean "quiet" is leise. It refers to a low volume.
Oh, der ist aber leise, man hört ja gar nichts.
Oh, it's so quiet, you can't hear anything.
Caption 8, heute-show: Werden Elektroautos das Klima retten?
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can find all of these words on Yabla German and watch the Piggeldy und Frederick episode on die Stille for a humorous take on the topic.
You know the German word frei, but this is rarely used to describe the price of items or services. However, there are many words for this.
You can talk about something being kostenfrei, which is essentially synonymous with kostenlos.
Der Eintritt ist für die Kinder kostenfrei.
The admission is free for children.
Caption 45, Theaterstück über gesunde Ernährung: Henrietta in Fructonia
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Ab März ist der öffentliche Nahverkehr kostenlos.
Public transport is going to be free starting in March.
Caption 30, Deutsch mit Eylin: Satzanfänge
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Ich möchte mich noch einmal sehr bedanken, dass die Anzeige kostenlos abgedruckt wird.
I would like to thank you very much once again for publishing the ad free of charge.
Captions 19-20, Nicos Weg B1: In der Redaktion
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You might also see the word gratis, which comes from Latin.
Wer sein Busticket gegen einen Diesel eintauscht, erhält einen Duftbaum gratis.
Anyone who exchanges their bus ticket for a diesel car will receive a tree-shaped air freshener for free.
Captions 9-10, extra 3: Öffentlicher Personennahverkehr (ÖPNV)
Play Caption
The word umsonst has two different meanings. It can be translated as "free of charge," but also as "without reason" or "in vain."
Dass Sie nicht denken, dass in Berlin dann alles umsonst ist.
So that you don't then think that everything is free in Berlin.
Caption 41, Jonathan Johnson: Nahöstliches Essen in Berlin
Play Caption
Der Freizeitpark heißt nicht umsonst Europa-Park.
The theme park is not called Europa-Park without reason.
Caption 19, Deutsche Welle: Hin und weg Best of Europa-Park!
Play Caption
Another word that means "without money," "unpaid," or "free of charge" is unentgeltlich, which is generally used in writing or more formal contexts.
Further Learning
You can find all of these words on Yabla German. Also, check out our lesson on various words for "cheap" or "inexpensive" in German.
Following last week's lesson about non-separable verbs that contain stehen as a root, we'll now look at separable verbs.
Whether you're getting out of bed in the morning, or getting up from the couch, aufstehen is an essential verb you'll need.
Früh aufstehen oder spät ins Bett gehen?
Getting up early or going to bed late?
Caption 2, 1Live: Nina Chuba im 1LIVE Fragenhagel
Play Caption
The separable verb anstehen has two meanings: "to stand in line" or "to queue," and "to be pending."
Beim Trampolin gibt es eine ganz schön lange Schlange zum Anstehen.
At the trampoline there is quite a long line that you have to stand in.
Caption 16, Das Fest: Open-Air in Karlsruhe
Play Caption
Dann steht in der Ballsporthalle die Revanche gegen Ulm an.
Then revenge against Ulm is on the agenda in the sports hall.
Caption 60, Deutsche Bank Skyliners: Basketball-Bundesliga
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The verb dahinterstehen means "to stand behind" and can also be used in a non-physical sense.
Wirken soll es wie der pure Zufall, dahinter steht allerdings ein ausgeklügelter Plan.
It's supposed to seem like pure coincidence, but behind it is a cleverly thought-out plan.
Captions 11-12, O du fröhliche: Flashmob in der Straßenbahn
Play Caption
The verb feststehen means "to be certain."
Mein Entschluss steht fest: Ich kündige.
My decision is clear: I'm quitting.
Caption 41, Deutsch mit Eylin: Verben und Nomen mit demselben Wortstamm
Play Caption
The verb stehenbleiben is a bit irregular because it is composed of two verbs. It generally translates to "stop," "stand still," or "remain standing."
Also, möchtest du das Video anhalten, drücke „Pause“, und das Video bleibt stehen.
So, if you would like to stop the video, press "Pause" and the video will stop.
Caption 13, German: Intro Cettina
Play Caption
Halt, stehenbleiben! -Polizei!
Stop, freeze! -Police!
Caption 24, Die Pfefferkörner: Das Wunderkind
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Further Learning
Write out a few sentences to practice conjugating these verbs. You can find them on Yabla German.
Recently, we took a thorough look at the verb bestehen . There are, of course, many verbs that contain stehen as a root. Today, we will explore other inseparable verbs and their various meanings. Next week, we'll cover the separable verbs.
You likely learned the verb verstehen in your very first German class:
Das kann ich gut verstehen, ich habe selbst zwei Kinder.
I can understand that well, I have two children myself.
Caption 25, Berufsleben: Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
Play Caption
Ja, aber ich verstehe das einfach nicht.
Yes, but I just don't understand this.
Caption 31, Deutsch mit Eylin: Freche Antworten
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The verb überstehen, like überleben, means "to survive."
Sie überstehen sogar den Winter, da sie ähnlich den Korallen ein Kalkskelett ausbilden.
They even survive the winter, because, like corals, they form a calcareous skeleton.
Captions 34-35, Expeditionen ins Tierreich: Die Feldberger Seen
Play Caption
Na ja, sie hat es aber doch eigentlich ganz gut überstanden.
Well, she actually survived it very well after all.
Caption 69, Großstadtrevier: Von Monstern und Mördern
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The verb entstehen means "to arise," "to result," or "to come into being." In English, it's often translated using the passive voice, as this sounds a bit more natural.
Und Grün entsteht, wenn man Blau und Gelb mischt.
And green is created when you mix blue and yellow.
Caption 19, Deutsch mit Paula: Farben
Play Caption
Aber wie und wann ist die Europahymne entstanden?
But how and when did the European anthem come into being?
Caption 7, Ludwig van Beethoven: Die Geschichte der Europahymne
Play Caption
Lastly, there is the verb gestehen, which means "to confess." Beware that the past participle for gestehen is the same as for the verb stehen!
Ich hatte keine wirkliche Strategie, muss ich ehrlich gestehen.
I didn't have a real strategy, I have to honestly confess.
Caption 6, Rheinmain im Blick: Börsen-Gewinnspiel
Play Caption
Ich habe ehrlich gestanden auch gar kein Bock mehr zu sprechen heute.
I honestly don't feel like talking anymore today.
Caption 31, Galileo: So hart ist der Job im Callcenter
Play Caption
Further Learning
Make sure you know the past participles for all of these verbs. You can find them on Yabla German.
When it comes to sending an SMS, mailing a package, or even sending a person to do something, there are so many verbs that come up. Schicken, verschicken, senden, versenden... What is the difference? And what about abschicken?
The differences can be subtle. While senden can be quite informal, versenden implies a more organized sending process or action, and is often used in a business context. But both still simply mean "to send."
Frau Hoffmann, es war Ihre Verantwortung, diese Information zu versenden.
Ms. Hoffmann, it was your responsibility to send this information.
Caption 40, Berufsleben: Probleme mit Mitarbeitern
Play Caption
It is also possible to use senden for something immaterial:
Darum sende ich euch Liebe und Respekt.
So I send you love and respect.
Caption 48, Golo: Smile
Play Caption
Die Herbstfeuer senden ihre Rauchsignale in den Himmel
The autumn fires send their smoke signals into the sky
Caption 34, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 2
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Furthermore, the verb senden can also mean "to broadcast":
Wir senden vegan und glutenfrei.
We broadcast in a vegan and gluten-free way.
Caption 60, extra 3: Nachhaltig oder Greenwashing?
Play Caption
Out of schicken, verschicken, and abschicken, schicken is the most general verb and can be used in most contexts.
Kein Thema. Dann schicken Sie bitte ein Foto, einen Lebenslauf, ein kurzes Anschreiben an diese Adresse.
No problem. Then please send a photo, a CV, a short cover letter to this address.
Caption 54, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Arbeitssuche
Play Caption
Sie schicken eine Streife? Vielen Dank.
You're sending a patrol car? Thank you very much.
Caption 18, Die Pfefferkörner: Alles auf Anfang
Play Caption
Like versenden, verschicken once again often implies a more organized or continuous effort, whereas abschicken emphasizes the act of dispatching and is often used for a singular action.
Haben Sie die Bewerbung denn auch abgeschickt?
Did you also send off the application?
Caption 6, Nicos Weg: Jobsuche
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find many more examples of these verbs used in context on Yabla German.
Frohes neues Jahr! Now that we're a week into 2025, there is one phrase related to the new year that we would like to review. This is sich etwas vornehmen, and it means "to undertake something," "to take something on," or "to resolve to do something." It is often used in relation with—you guessed it—New Year's resolutions!
The verb vornehmen without the reflexive sich has other meanings, so it's important to include it. You'll notice the phrase translated in even more ways to address the context of each sentence:
... und in der wir uns auch vornehmen, andere Möglichkeiten auszuschöpfen.
... and in which we also intend to exhaust other options.
Caption 54, Coronavirus: Kommentar zu Angela Merkels Rede
Play Caption
Nehmt ihr euch bitte den Bereich vor, dann kucken wir hier.
You please attend to that area, and we'll look over here.
Caption 9, Großstadtrevier Nicht mit mir - Part 3
Play Caption
You can see that sich vornehmen is a separable verb. It's also a strong verb with a participle ending in -en.
Der Blue Fire, die spektakulärste Achterbahn im Europa-Park, da habe ich mir ja was vorgenommen.
The Blue Fire, the most spectacular roller coaster at Europa-Park, I really took something on there.
Captions 1-2, Deutsche Welle: Hin und weg Best of Europa-Park!
Play Caption
Ja, natürlich. Wir haben uns heute eigentlich vorgenommen zu siegen.
Yes, of course. We actually set out to win today.
Caption 49, Fußball: U21-Nationalmannschaft
Play Caption
Da hast du dir aber was vorgenommen! -Da hast... hast dir was vorgenommen.
You have indeed taken something on here! -You have... have taken something on here.
Caption 19, Dieter Kränzlein Bildhauer - Part 2
Play Caption
Further Learning
You can read more about expressing New Year's resolutions and watch related videos on Yabla German.
This time of year in Germany, a lot of time is spent in the kitchen as people prepare various meals. What is some vocabulary we need to talk about kitchens?
Here are some of the basic fixtures:
In unserer Küche haben wir einen Kühlschrank, einen Gefrierschrank, einen Mini-Backofen, eine Mikrowelle, eine Spüle, wo wir das dreckige Geschirr abwaschen können.
In our kitchen we have a refrigerator, a freezer, a mini baking oven, a microwave, a sink, where we can wash the dirty dishes.
Captions 2-3, Zu Besuch bei Jenny: In der Wohnung
Play Caption
Das heißt, die Küche hat schon Möbel, so wie Kühlschrank oder Herd.
That means the kitchen already has furnishings, so like a refrigerator or a stove.
Captions 30-31, Mein Weg nach Deutschland: Auf Wohnungssuche
Play Caption
Da ist eigentlich alles drin, was man so braucht, Herd, Spülmaschine. Und Bar und Tresen auch.
It actually has everything that you need in it, stove, dishwasher, yes. Yes, nice. And bar and counter too.
Captions 38-39, Fine: sucht eine Wohnung
Play Caption
Another word for the kitchen countertop is die Arbeitsplatte. Some of these nouns have alternative versions:
Ich werde nun die wichtigsten Gegenstände in einer Küche aufzählen: der Kühlschrank, die Spüle oder das Spülbecken, die Spülmaschine, die Herdplatte, der Ofen, die Mikrowelle, der Toaster, der Mixer, die Dunstabzugshaube.
I will now list the most important objects in a kitchen: the refrigerator, the sink or sink basin, the dishwasher, the stove top, the oven, the microwave, the toaster, the blender, the extractor hood.
Captions 27-36, Deutsche Grundlagen: Eine Haustour mit Federico
Play Caption
For fixtures that are also found elsewhere in the house, you can specify that they are in the kitchen: die Küchenspüle for a sink that's in the kitchen and die Küchenschränke for cupboards that are in the kitchen. Similarly, appliances and tools used specifically in the kitchen are identified with a compound noun:
Und zum Schluss möchte ich dir noch meine wichtigsten Küchengeräte zeigen.
And to conclude, I would like to show you my most important kitchen equipment.
Caption 32, Deutsch mit Eylin: Rund ums Kochen
Play Caption
Vielleicht auch ein paar schöne Küchenutensilien.
Maybe also a few nice kitchen utensils.
Caption 56, Rhein-Main-TV Eva Padberg beim Weihnachtseinkauf
Play Caption
There are too many kitchen devices and tools to name, but here are two examples:
Die gute alte Kaffeemaschine ist dabei etwas aus der Mode geraten.
The good old coffee machine has, to some extent, gone out of style in the process.
Caption 12, Eva zeigt uns: wie man Kaffee kocht
Play Caption
Um Essen zuzubereiten, brauche ich außerdem noch ein gutes Schneidebrett.
To prepare food, I also need a good cutting board.
Captions 1-2, Deutsch mit Eylin: Rund ums Kochen
Play Caption
Further Learning
To learn some verbs related to the kitchen, please refer to our previous newsletter "Around the House," which is about chores. Then watch the videos listed in this lesson in their entirety on Yabla German to learn even more vocabulary.
After we sent out our lesson on verbs containing raten as a root, one of our subscribers asked for a more specific clarification of the difference between raten and erraten, which are both often translated as "to guess." The difference is actually quite subtle.
The verb raten simply means "to guess," and it doesn't matter how likely the person is to know the correct answer.
Rate mal, was das für eine Blüte ist.
Guess what kind of flower that is.
Caption 18, Deutsch mit Eylin: Mein Bücherregal und Präpositionen
Play Caption
Wer kann raten, was da drin ist?
Who can guess what's in here?
Caption 6, Peppa Wutz: Einkaufen und mehr
Play Caption
Bei dem Spiel „Teekesselchen“ stellt man ein Wort vor, mit verschiedenen Bedeutungen, und die anderen Spieler müssen raten.
In the game "Teapot," you present a word with various meanings, and the other players have to guess.
Captions 14-16, Teekesselchen: Wörter mit mehreren Bedeutungen
Play Caption
The verb erraten has this meaning as well, but it may imply guessing the correct answer. So, sometimes its meaning is not just "to guess," but "to guess correctly."
Könnt ihr erraten, in welchem Land ich mich befinde?
Can you guess which country I'm in?
Caption 3, Yabla reist durch Europa: Genua und Portofino
Play Caption
Ziel des Spiels ist es, zu erraten, wohin die Maus läuft.
The object of the game is to guess where the mouse will run to.
Caption 5, Mittelalterlicher Markt: Mäuseroulette
Play Caption
You might also see raten or zu etwas raten in its other meaning of "to advise" or "to suggest." You will not see erraten used in this sense. Note that raten in this context is a verb that is followed by the dative case.
Experten raten im Gegensatz zum Gesetzgeber zu mindestens vier Millimeter.
In contrast to legislators, experts advise at least four millimeters.
Caption 25, Winterreifen: Wenn der erste Schnee naht
Play Caption
Auch für dieses Verb rate ich dir, die Konjugation auswendig zu lernen.
For this verb, too, I advise you to memorize the conjugation.
Captions 38-39, Deutsch mit Eylin: Machen vs. tun
Play Caption
Further Learning
Practice using raten ("to advise"), raten ("to guess"), and erraten ("to guess correctly") with help from examples you find on Yabla German.
From bonfires at Christmas markets to a cozy fireplace, winter in Germany is a time to keep warm! Different types of fires have different translations in German.
Der bereitet jetzt schon mal das Lagerfeuer für uns vor. -Oh, super!
He is now already preparing the bonfire for us. -Oh, super!
Caption 19, Meine Freundin Conni Conni schläft im Kindergarten
Play Caption
Da waren auch Kinder. Sie naschten Süßigkeiten und spielten vergnügt am Kamin.
There were children as well. They nibbled candy and played happily by the fireplace.
Caption 17, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern
Play Caption
Meinen Ofen habe ich auf einhundertachtzig Grad vorgeheizt.
I have preheated my oven to one hundred eighty degrees [Celsius, about three hundred fifty Fahrenheit].
Caption 32, Apfelkuchen: mit Eva
Play Caption
The word der Ofen refers to a kitchen oven, but it is also short for der Kohleofen ("the coal oven") or der Holzofen ("the wood stove"). As for the wood that is used for the fire, there are a few different words, including das Feuerholz, das Kaminholz, or das Brennholz.
Er lief durch die Wüste und sammelte Feuerholz, um es zu verkaufen.
He was walking through the desert collecting firewood in order to sell it.
Caption 6, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Ali Baba und die 40 Räuber
Play Caption
The verb used for lighting a fire is the same as lighting a match or candle: anzünden.
Wir haben jedes Jahr im Advent Stollen gegessen und die Kerzen am Adventskranz angezündet.
We ate stollen every year during Advent and lit the candles on the Advent wreath.
Captions 24-25, Nicos Weg: Lieblingsfeste
Play Caption
Wir benutzen sie, um ein Feuer anzuzünden.
We use them to light a fire.
Caption 29, Deutsch mit Eylin: Denk schnell!
Play Caption
Two more relevant nouns are der Schornstein ("the chimney") and die Glut, which is a singular word for embers.
Da entdeckte der Wolf den Schornstein.
Then the Wolf discovered the chimney.
Caption 66, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Die drei kleinen Schweinchen
Play Caption
Absolute Spitze ist das Team „Gut Glut“.
The team "Gut Glut" ["Good Glows" or "Good Embers“] is absolutely great.
Caption 16, Deutscher Grillmeister: Es geht um die Wurst
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find more examples of all of these words used in context on Yabla German.
Depending on the preposition, the verb bestehen can have very different meanings. Without a preposition, you'll need to pay attention to the context.
You might see bestehen translated simply as "to be." Generally, bestehen used in this context implies a long time involved, so "to exist" and "to persist" might be better translations.
Es besteht der Anfangsverdacht der Vorteilsnahme gegen den früheren niedersächsischen CDU-Ministerpräsidenten.
There is an initial suspicion of taking bribes being brought against the previous CDU [Christian Democratic Union] Minister President of Lower Saxony.
Captions 31-32, Bundespräsident Wulff tritt zurück: Kredit- und Medienaffäre
Play Caption
Offenbar besteht aber bei vielen Menschen eine große Sehnsucht nach diesem alten Wissen.
Apparently, however, there is a great longing among many people for this ancient knowledge.
Captions 28-29, Deutsch mit Eylin: Die vier Elemente
Play Caption
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, jedes Board vorher zu testen... damit Probe zu fahren.
There is the option of testing each board beforehand... to test-ride it.
Caption 41, Longboardin:g mit Lassrollen
Play Caption
The verb bestehen can also be used to describe passing a test or exam.
Hat Claire den Test bestanden?
Did Claire pass the test?
Caption 39, Galileo: So hart ist der Job im Callcenter
Play Caption
The construction auf etwas bestehen can best be translated as "to insist."
Wieso nicht will? Ich bestehe darauf!
Why should they not want to? I insist!
Caption 75, Es war einmal... der Weltraum: Planet Omega
Play Caption
The construction aus etwas bestehen is used to describe what something is comprised of or consists of.
Genau! Die Freie Hansestadt Bremen besteht aber aus zwei Großstädten.
Exactly! The Free Hanseatic City of Bremen consists of two large cities.
Caption 18, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Bremen
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find more examples of bestehen used in different contexts on Yabla German.
The English noun "the order" has a lot of different meanings. You can place an order in a restaurant, give an order, put things in an order, and you can instil or restore order.
In German, there are separate words for all of these nouns. For example, the verb for ordering in a restaurant is bestellen and the corresponding noun is die Bestellung.
Hallo. -Guten Tag. Ihre Bestellung. Zahlen Sie zusammen oder getrennt?
Hello. -Hello. Your order. Will you pay together or split the bill?
Caption 3, Nicos Weg: Zahlen, bitte!
Play Caption
When we talk about putting something in a specific order, the noun is die Reihenfolge.
Ihr könnt nach den neuesten Videos, den ältesten Videos, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge oder nach den schwierigsten oder einfachsten Videos filtern.
You can filter by the newest videos, the oldest videos, in alphabetical order, or by the most difficult or easiest videos.
Captions 29-31, Yabla: Videos filtern
Play Caption
An order in the sense of a command is der Befehl in German.
Ich verstehe nur, dass ich den Befehl habe, hier niemanden passieren zu lassen, Herr Oberst.
I only understand that I have the order to not let anyone pass through here, Colonel.
Caption 51, Die Stunde der Offiziere: Dokudrama über den 20. Juli 1944
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The word der Auftrag has a number of other possible translations, including "the commission," "the task," or "the duty." But it can also imply an order.
Das GEOMAR-Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung rechnet mit einem entsprechenden Auftrag, mit der Suche im Meer zu beginnen.
The GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research expects, with a corresponding order, to begin the search in the sea.
Captions 3-4, Mini-U-Boot: Verschwundene Boeing
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When we talk about things being in order or keeping things in order, the noun die Ordnung is used. The phrase in Ordnung often simply means that everything is fine. But in all the cases above, the word die Ordnung is actually a false friend!
Und ich liebe es auch, Ordnung zu halten auf meinem Schreibtisch.
And I also love keeping order on my desk.
Caption 69, Deutsch mit Eylin: Dinge auf meinem Schreibtisch
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Und alles scheint in Ordnung zu sein.
And everything seems to be in order.
Caption 65, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
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Der bedeutet so viel: „Es ist alles in Ordnung.“
It means, more or less, "Everything is fine."
Caption 27, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 1
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Further Learning
You'll find more examples of all of these words used in context on Yabla German.
A while back, we sent out a lesson about the difference between raten and beraten. Now it's time to expand this to a number of different verbs that contain raten as a root, including erraten, verraten, and geraten.
The verb erraten simply means "to guess."
Heute erraten wir Meerestiere.
Today we're going to be guessing sea creatures.
Caption 4, Ratespiel: Meerestiere
Play Caption
Könnt ihr erraten, in welchen Land ich mich befinde?
Can you guess which country I'm in?
Caption 3, Yabla reist: durch Europa Genua und Portofino
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The verb geraten is a bit more complex. It is often used in phrases such as in Panik geraten, which you can see below. Depending on the phrase you might think of it as "to get into," but not in a physical sense. It's more like "to become" or "to end up" in a certain way.
Die gute alte Kaffeemaschine ist dabei etwas aus der Mode geraten.
The good old coffee machine has to some extent gone out of style in the process.
Caption 12, Eva zeigt uns: wie man Kaffee kocht
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Wenn Menschen das Wort „Hai“ hören, geraten sie schnell in Panik.
When people hear the word "shark," they quickly panic.
Captions 10-11, Die Top Ten: Die 12 freundlichsten Meerestiere der Welt
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The verb verraten means "to reveal" or "to give away." The phrase jemanden verraten means "to betray someone."
Und sie verraten etwas über die Persönlichkeit eines Menschen.
And they reveal something about the personality of a human being.
Caption 42, Deutsch mit Eylin: Mehr Geheimnisse über Hände
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Warte, Matteo! Warte, warte, warte, nicht gleich alles verraten.
Wait, Matteo! Wait, wait, wait, don't reveal it all now.
Caption 3, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
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Und wir dürfen den anderen niemals verraten, niemals!
And we must never betray the other, never!
Caption 20, Heidi Freunde: für immer
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Further Learning
On Yabla German, you'll find more phrases with geraten, such as in Schwierigkeiten geraten, außer Kontrolle geraten, and in Schulden geraten. Have a look!
The phrase Angst haben refers to being scared.
„Ich habe Angst, Frederick“, rief er.
"I am scared, Frederick," he called.
Caption 14, Piggeldy und Frederick: Das Kahnfahren
Play Caption
What's interesting is that there are two prepositions that are commonly used with this phrase. When we use vor with Angst haben, it's a matter of being afraid of something or someone.
Angst muss man vor ihnen keine haben.
You don't have to be scared of them.
Caption 3, Abenteuer Nordsee: Unter Riesenhaien und Tintenfischen
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Sie hat Angst vor der Prüfung, weil ihre Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist.
She is afraid of the exam because her native language isn't German.
Caption 24, Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einbürgerungstest
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But it's also possible to use um with Angst haben, and this has different nuances. It can actually be used to describe being afraid on someone's behalf, or being afraid "for" something rather than "of" something.
Der Weltmeister bekam wohl langsam aber sicher Angst um mich.
The world champion was slowly but surely getting scared for me.
Caption 39, Rheinmain im Blick: Sportreporter als Judoka
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Auf dem Nachhauseweg verirrte er sich in einem furchtbaren Schneesturm und hatte Angst um sein Leben.
On the way home, he lost his way in a terrible snowstorm and feared for his life.
Captions 19-20, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Die Schöne und das Biest
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Further Learning
Try to create your own sentences with Angst haben and both prepositions. Many examples can be found on Yabla German.
This week, we will look at more words that only differ by an umlaut.
As you know, the plural version of some nouns is formed with an umlaut. An example of this is die Mutter ("the mother") and die Mütter ("the mothers").
So, jetzt wollen wir mal andere Mütter fragen, was es für sie bedeutet, Mutter zu sein.
So, now we want to ask other mothers what it means to them to be a mother.
Captions 16-17, Cettina: interviewt Mütter
Play Caption
However, some words take on a completely different meaning when an umlaut is added to one of the vowels. One classic example is schön ("pretty," "nice") and schon ("already," "indeed").
Immer wieder schön, dich wiederzusehen.
Always nice to see you again.
Caption 1, AnnenMayKantereit 3. Stock
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One difference in pronunciation that might take some practice is between schwul and schwül. The adjective schwül means "humid."
Da diese Abkürzung für lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell, transsexuell und queer steht.
Because this abbreviation stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer.
Caption 4, LGBTQ Gendern
Play Caption
Whereas die Küchen is the plural of "kitchen," der Kuchen means "cake."
Heute möchte ich mit euch einen Kuchen backen.
Today I would like to bake a cake with you.
Caption 2, Apfelkuchen: mit Eva
Play Caption
The noun der Müll means "the garbage." Without an umlaut, der Mull refers to muslin or gauze.
Wir haben fünfhundert Tüten Müll gesammelt.
We've collected five hundred bags of garbage.
Caption 9, Die Pfefferkörner: Endspurt
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Further Learning
A few more words you can look up are die Schranke vs. die Schränke, der Bär vs. die Bar or das Bar, and die Bürger vs. der Burger. Stuck on pronunciation? Listen to the words pronounced by native speakers in videos on Yabla German.
Part of learning the proper spelling of German words is memorizing any umlauts that they might contain. This is particularly important because certain words are identical except for the presence or absence of an umlaut. Let's have a look today at several verbs that need to be distinguished from one another.
Whereas the verb drücken means "to press" or "to hug," drucken means "to print."
Hey, Max, wir drucken es aus und hängen es ans schwarze Brett.
Hey, Max, we'll print it out and hang it on the blackboard.
Caption 25, Die Pfefferkörner: Gerüchteküche
Play Caption
An Luzies Kamera muss man nur den Knopf hier drücken, und dann ist Ruhe.
On Luzie's camera, you just have to press the button here and then it's quiet.
Caption 26, Peppa Wutz: Einkaufen und mehr
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Similarly, rücken and rucken are also two different verbs, though they both refer to movement. While rücken means to move, approach, or advance, rucken without an umlaut means to jerk or move violently.
Der Hochzeitstag rückte näher und sie beschlossen, einen langen Spaziergang draußen im Wald zu unternehmen.
The wedding day was approaching and they decided to take a long walk outside in the woods.
Captions 7-8, Märchen - Sagenhaft: Jorinde und Joringel
Play Caption
The verb lauten is used when you talk about how things are worded, spelled, or stated, whereas the verb läuten means "to chime" or "to ring," and refers to the sound of bells.
Natürlich. Wie lautet Ihre E-Mail-Adresse?
Of course. What is your email address?
Caption 64, Berufsleben: das Vorstellungsgespräch
Play Caption
Dann verstecken sich alle in ihrem Zimmer, bis das Glöckchen läutet.
Then everyone hides in their room until the little bell rings.
Captions 30-31, Weihnachtsinterviews: Cettina in Linkenheim
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The verb füttern is used when you feed an animal or a small child. The verb futtern refers to eating food rather than giving someone food, and suggests a lack of manners or restraint in eating, similar to the English expression "pigging out."
Die Meisen lassen sich von uns sogar aus der Hand füttern.
The titmice can even be fed from our hands.
Caption 32, Die letzten Paradiese: Die Schönheit der Alpen 2
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Sie schafft Platz zu Hause und erfreut die Fans, die bald Burger unter der Bassgitarre futtern können.
She makes room at home and pleases the fans, who will soon be able to scarf down burgers under the bass guitar.
Captions 8-9, Christina Stürmer: ist reif fürs Museum
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The verbs zahlen and zählen may be the most frequently used verbs in this list.
Wollen wir die Lösegeldforderung nicht abwarten und zahlen?
Don't we want to wait for the ransom demand and pay?
Caption 42, Die Pfefferkörner: Das Wunderkind
Play Caption
Sie zählen die Stimmen nach dem Ende der Wahl.
They count the votes after the end of the election.
Caption 30, Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Einbürgerungstest
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Further Learning
You'll find many more examples of these verbs on Yabla German.
The words speziell and besonders can be used as adjectives or adverbs, and are often translated as "particular," "particularly," "special," "specially," or "especially."
When speziell is used as an adjective, it reflects a uniqueness or particularity. As an adverb, it conveys a sense of specificity or purpose, and may be used when referring to something designed for a particular function or context.
Und Klingonisch ist dafür schon sehr, sehr speziell.
And Klingon is therefore indeed very, very, special.
Caption 24, Klingonisch-Kurs: Außerirdisch sprechen lernen
Play Caption
Mehr als eintausend Tanks mit radioaktivem Wasser sollen mit einer speziellen Filteranlage entleert werden.
More than a thousand tanks of radioactive water are to be emptied using a special filtration system.
Captions 36-37, Langsam gesprochene Nachrichten Die Inflation verlangsamt sich
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Ihre Gehirne haben speziell entwickelte Bereiche, in denen sie lernen, Probleme zu lösen und zu kommunizieren.
Their brains have specially developed areas in which they learn to solve problems and to communicate.
Captions 64-65, Die Top Ten: Die 12 freundlichsten Meerestiere der Welt
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The word besonders refers to something that stands out or is remarkable compared to the norm. It is often used to emphasize a quality or characteristic.
Was ist so besonders an der Stadt?
What's so special about the city?
Caption 46, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Hessen
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Der Mensch pflegt mit dem kalifornischen Seelöwen eine ganz besondere Beziehung.
Humankind maintains a very special relationship with the Californian sea lion.
Caption 74, Evolution: Die Küsten
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Heute hab ich ein ganz besonders leckeres Gericht für euch rausgesucht.
Today, I have picked out a particularly delicious dish for you.
Caption 4, Bundesländer und ihre Rezepte: Nordrhein-Westfalen
Play Caption
Further Learning
You'll find many more examples of these words on Yabla German, and you can practice creating your own sentences that use them as an adjective or an adverb.